We’re building a winning coalition that will keep Alderman Knudsen in City Council.
He is proud to have the support of the following community leaders:
“I supported Timmy from day one because I see in him the commitment to public service that inspired me to run for alderman at 29 years old. We’ve sat down countless times to discuss the issues facing our ward and city, and his level-headedness, critical thinking and consensus building approach give me great confidence that he’s the right person for the job of representing the 43rd Ward. He’s an independent leader who will usher in a new generation and make City Council a more functional body.”
-Former Alderman Bill Singer (1971 to 1975 in the 43rd ward and 1969 to 1971 in the 44th Ward)
“We are pleased to announce that we are both supporting Alderman Knudsen for election in the upcoming aldermanic run-off election on April 4th. We hope you will join us in voting to elect Alderman Knudsen in the run-off.”
- Former 43rd Ward Alderpeople Michele Smith (2011 to 2022) and Marty Oberman (1975 to 1987)
“In this uncertain time for Chicago Timmy has knowledge, the attention to detail, and the political savvy to get things done for the ward and for the city.”
- Former 43rd Ward Alderman Edwin Eisendrath (1987 to 1993)
“Timmy served as Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals with integrity, independence, and humility. He brings those same traits to the City Council and to the 43rd Ward”
- Former 43rd Ward Alderman Charles Bernardini (1993 to 1999)
“Over the course of the campaign, it has become increasingly clear that there is only one candidate who has shown the ability to work collaboratively with residents and colleagues and is best suited to represent the 43rd Ward. That candidate is Alderman Timmy Knudsen.
When Timmy was appointed, he hit the ground running. In his short time in office he has led efforts to assist people in need, whether they're here in our ward or in our broader community. His credentials are first rate and Timmy lets his actions speak for themselves, while always keeping an open door to hear those who may have other views. These are all qualities which are vital for public service.”
- Former 43rd Ward Alderman Vi Daley (1999 to 2011)
“We are pleased to announce that we are both supporting Alderman Knudsen for election in the upcoming aldermanic run-off election on April 4th. We hope you will join us in voting to elect Alderman Knudsen in the run-off.”
- Former 43rd Ward Alderpeople Michele Smith (2011 to 2022) and Marty Oberman (1975 to 1987)
“In his first five months in office, I've seen how Ald. Knudsen works hard, partners with community members and advances neighbors' priorities. We have worked together on several projects — like improving traffic safety along Lake Shore Drive in the Gold Coast — and I have been impressed with his responsiveness and can-do attitude. He is someone who listens intently and acts quickly to get things done for his ward. I'm proud to endorse Ald. Knudsen in the 43rd Ward race because he's the only candidate that has worked across the whole ward to better our community.”
- State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (6th District)
“Timmy and I met when we were fighting to elect JB Pritzker, who was running against a Republican Governor who had destroyed Illinois’ social services and was blocking HB40—legislation that removed the trigger law that would have banned abortion if Roe v. Wade were reversed. Timmy will take that same fight to City Hall to advocate for funding for early childhood education, community spaces, and safe neighborhoods. As a 43rd Warder raising my children in the heart of Chicago, I know that Timmy listens to families like mine and will be our champion. I’m proud to endorse Timmy Knudsen for Alderman of the 43rd Ward.”
- State Rep. Margaret Croke (12th District)
“Over the years, Timmy has been a strong and pragmatic voice for our community and the values we share. From protecting reproductive rights to advancing LGBTQ+ equality to supporting small businesses, Timmy’s priorities are aligned with our community’s and his positive energy, commitment and leadership style will elevate the residents of the 43rd Ward. We need Timmy in City Hall to face the many challenges ahead - and I’m supporting Timmy Knudson for Alderman because I know he'll deliver for the 43rd Ward."
- State Rep. Ann Williams (11th District)
“As someone who is dedicated to making government work better for the people of Chicago, I am proud to support another next generation leader in Timmy Knudsen for Alderman of the 43rd Ward. Timmy and I have known each other for years, working hand in hand to advance progressive causes like H.B. 40 to protect reproductive rights and support candidates like Governor JB Pritzker and the Democratic ticket. We are both public school kids (Go Illini!) who care deeply about improving city services and governing responsibly. He has earned the trust of many leaders, and I am standing by his side because I know he’s the best candidate to fight for 43rd Ward families.”
-Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia.
“43rd Ward Democrats are proud to endorse Timmy Knudsen for 43rd Ward Alderperson. We chose Timmy for his leadership and vision, his smarts and his ability to have open dialogues with neighbors about issues related to public safety, the needs of our local schools and the hope for our neighborhood. He has worked in our community for years, most recently chairing our organization's Judicial Review Committee to ensure we have qualified judges on the bench. We are very excited to work with him to build a more vibrant ward where all neighbors are included in big decisions and big plans.”
- Lucy Moog, Democratic Committeeman (43rd Ward)
“Timmy Knudsen is a hard worker and we are already seeing the results in the 43rd Ward as Alderman. The most important thing an elected official can do is listen — listen to constituents, to businesses, and to people who are deeply invested in our City and their neighborhood. And after he listens, Timmy fights for our values. Whether reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ and Jewish communities, migrants or others who need an ally, Timmy’s actions show that he leads with heart and will always fight for the values we share. Ald. Knudsen is the right person to represent the 43rd Ward, and I’m happy to endorse him in this race.”
-Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer.
“I am pleased to be able to endorse Timmy Knudsen for Alderman of the 43rd Ward. I respect his commitment to our community and believe he will work diligently on our behalf. I will support his efforts on an on-going basis, drawing on my experience in government service.”
-Rebecca Janowitz, former candidate for 43rd Ward Alderman (2023)
“I have determined that Timmy is the best choice to lead our community. I put considerable time and attention into this decision and appreciate that Alderman Knudsen has promised to continue to work together on the issues our campaign brought to light through our efforts. For these reasons and more, I hope you will join me in voting for Alderman Timmy Knudsen on April 4 as the best option for the neighborhoods of the 43rd Ward going into a new Mayoral administration and a new City Council.”
-Wendi Taylor Nations, former candidate for 43rd Ward Alderman (2023)
“As parent, community member and candidate in the 43rd Ward, I know the Ward well. I believe that Timmy has the perfect combination of qualities that make him ideal for leading and serving the 43rd Ward. His optimism and energy are contagious, and he inspires collaboration, creative thinking and dynamic progress. He is a brilliant lawyer, but is also wise beyond his years, with a unique ability to quickly read a room and negotiate interpersonal dynamics to move a group forward in a transparent and effective manner. At the same time, his humility is palpable, which allows him to connect with people in a very human way. In short, he is a natural leader – leading by example, with enthusiasm, experience and empathy.”
-Caroline Vickrey, former candidate for 43rd Ward Alderman (2015)
Ald. Knudsen is is also proud to be supported by…
Statewide Leaders
Tammy Duckworth, U.S. Senator
Dick Durbin, U.S. Senator
Mike Frerichs, Illinois State Treasurer
Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Secretary of State
Jesse White, former Illinois Secretary of State
John Cullerton, former Senate President
Greg Harris, former Illinois House Majority Leader
Local Leaders
Paul Vallas, Candidate for Mayor
Walter Burnett, Alderman (27th Ward)
Tom Tunney, Alderman (44th Ward)
James Cappleman, Alderman (46th Ward)
Bill Conway, Alderman-Elect (34th Ward)
Bennett Lawson, Alderman-Elect (44th Ward)
Dick Simpson, former 44th Ward Alderman and government reform expert
David Orr, former Cook County Clerk and 49th Ward Alderman and government reform expert
Sean Tenner, Democratic Committeeman (46th Ward)
Paul Rosenfeld, Democratic Committeeman (47th Ward)
Kevin Morrison, Cook County Commissioner (15th District)
Mike Simmons, State Senator (7th District)
Lamont Robinson, State Representative (5th District)
Kelly Cassidy, State Representative (14th District)
Justin DeJong, Board Chair of Equality Illinois
Art Johnston, legendary LGBTQ+ activist, founder of Equality Illinois and co-owner of Sidetrack
Jared Smith, Co-Founder of RXBAR and longtime 43rd Ward resident
Coalitions & Organizations
Better Streets Chicago Action Fund
Building Owners & Managers Association of Chicago
Citizen/Action Illinois
Chicago Association of REALTORS®
Chicago Federation of Labor
AFSCME Council 31
Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Administrative District Council 1
Chicago Fire Fighters Union Local 2
IBEW Local 134
Illinois Nurses Association
Ironworkers District Council of Chicago
IUOE Locals 150 and 399
LIUNA Chicagoland Laborers' District Council
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council
Plumbers Local 130
SEIU Local 1
Teamsters Joint Council 25
Chicagoland Apartment Association
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Conservation Illinois
Equality Illinois
Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association
Illinois Restaurant Association
LGBTQ Victory Fund
Personal PAC
Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance
Young Democrats of Chicago